
Advanced Crossword – 5.0.3 – Non Profit (Educational & Charity)

Original price was: $265.00.Current price is: $95.00.

Advanced Crossword is aiming to deliver best user experience with lots of customization and features.
Lifetime license
365 days of support and updates
One license per website

How to install the premium plugin?
Step 1: Download the premium version from the link provided in email confirmation
Step 2: De-activate the free version plugin on your website
Step 3: Upload the premium downloaded version, and install&activate
Step 4: Go to Advanced Crossword -> License and enter the license number provided in the email.
Step 5: Disable Automatic Updates for the Crossword Plugin

Please make sure to watch the setup video.
There you can see the plugin matches your requirements.
If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact me at